Posted on Monday, 24 June 2013 at 10:29 | 0comments omaigod ! I have not write at my blog for a long time.. T^T actually, im so busy with my school, with a lot of homework //headache// with the tuition on Saturday and Sunday, with the kkq classes, aand a lot more ! T^T.. //relax// *im sure ayuni, you can stand it just for a few month, just for a few month okay ! don't worry and cheer you think you can success without any obstacles? im sure you can't.. maybe from now on, I will try to write at my blog with English..okkayy ~ I admit maybe urm -___- my English is not so good, bbut I want to try to write it using this language..I have read somewhere, if you want to improve your of the way is to write blog in English..aand also actually, I also tweet in English at my twitter..when I said that, it's not that im maybe you called 'batak'..not okay ! Ugh -___- bbut maybe im weird, now my English test maybe you say good bbut my Arabic test T^T..In my mid year exam, i got A bbut small A for English not sure what i got because i have forgot it..let me remember first, urm ________ ohh ! i got 86..for my Arabic test, i got B which was 78..although i got 78 bbut i still dont want to beg my ustazah to give me 2 marks so i can get A for my Arabic test.. in my opinion, i think what is the point you get A now bbut it's not from your effort..i want to get A from my own effort not because someone help to plus the mark..actually, there is someone that i know..she took pmr last year and she got 8A and 1B..and her B is not sure who bbut im sure my ustazah said that she never got B when she took other test so it's a bit surprising why she got B in her PMR..i think it become a lesson to me.. when im form 2, i always got A for my Arabic test and i always got B for my English test..actually, on my final exam, i got 8A 1B like now bbut what is the different is my B is science aand at my mid year exam now i got B for Arabic..T^T okkayy ! maybe you said that my English is not good and maybe worse bbut i try to write it in English so dont ever try to talk bad about me..anyway, for your information, i used ENGRISH not ENGLISH ! at least, i try to use it not like you =P so, maybe it's just for now.. need to go..annyeong ! //bow 90 degrees/// Assalamualaikum Posted on Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 20:51 | 0comments Bismillah, Assalamualaikum.
Aku tak faham kenapa orang nak kata yang 2Days 1Night season 2 tu tak best. Aku tengok best je. Kalau bagi akulah, aku lebih prefer yang season 2 punya daripada yang season 1. Ingat aku tak tengok ke yang season 1 punya. Aku tengok tau dari episode pertama yang mana originalnya ialah 4 orang iaitu Hodong, Sugeun, Jiwon and Jongmin bersama juga dengan Hongcheol dan Sangryul.
Aku memang benci sangat-sangat dengan orang yang terlampau obses dengan 2Days 1Night season 1 punya members and pd sehinggakan dorang sanggup mengatakan yang season 2 punya members and pd adalah teruk.Perkara yang memang bagus tentang 2Days 1Night season 2 ialah semua member dapat pendedahan yang sama. Tak ada siapa yang nak jadi lebih baik atau lebih penting daripada yang lain. Lagipun, 2Days 1Night season 2 tak ada main mc.
Jadi semua orang berpeluang untuk menyebut 2Days 1Night masa perjalan dorang.Ada yang kata yang dorang sangat berharap yang Hodong dapat balik semula dekat 2Days 1Night. Tapi bagi aku, memanglah aku minat Hodong. Tapi dia tu terlampau macam over power masa season 1 yang mana okay untuk musim itu. Tapi tak begitu okay untuk season 2 punya.
Lagipun members yang untuk season 2 ni dah ada roles dorang tersendiri.Kalau Hodong balik semula, dia mungkin akan over power members yang lain dan terus terang aku kata. Aku mungkin tak akan enjoy watching Hodong at the end. He was becoming to much. Ada yang kata yang dia nak Na PD dekat 2Days 1Night season 2.Tapi bagi aku, personaliti Bird PD sangat sesuai untuk 2Days 1Night season 2 sama juga macam Na PD. Tapi Na PD punya personaliti sesuai masa 2Days 1Night season 1 bukan season 2 punya.
Lagipun, 2Days 1Night season 2 makin lama makin okay dan makin best. Permainan yang dorang main tu pun makin lama makin gila dan makin kelakar. Aku tak pernah kata 'Alah, permainan ni aku dah pernah tengok sebelum ni' sebabnya permainan dorang tu sentiasa kreatif dan permainan baru sentiasa dicipta. Game strawberry, rock-paper-scissor and multiplication tu pula tak membosankan aku.
Sebabnya ianya sentiasa kelakar dan kadang-kadang maybe kita boleh jangkakan. Tapi yang penting tak payahlah nak bandingkan season 1 punya dengan season 2. Season 1 and season 2 adalah completly different. Personaliti dorang pun berbeza juga. Kalau kau memang betul suka tengok season 1 punya janganlah sampai nak kata yang buruk-buruk tentang season 2 punya.
Klah, Assalamualaikum. |